Monday 8 December 2014

Here comes 2015

It's coming to the New Year (yes it needs capitals, just because) and I feel the need to make something of it in SL now that I have more spare time in RL. 

Honestly I cannot spend many more evenings sitting in front of wedding programs on the TV and eating chocolate. Well, I can, but I really shouldn't. 

So I am going to make some plans. I am going to throw them on this post and I am going to work on achieving them. Maybe people with the know how will help. Maybe people will lurk and stalk to see if I have managed any of these. Maybe it will turn into a meme and people will start posting their 2015 plans. I don't know, but I do know that this could be fun. 

So here goes. 

1. Start releasing onto marketplace regularly. 

I haven't made much time for SL recently so I decided to drop the in-world store. It wasn't financially sensible or viable to throw cash at an unopened store when I wasn't even in world to fill it up. Therefore Cult Noir will be on the marketplace only until I have enough stock to make it viable in world and hopefully until I am making at least some of the rent from sales. 

2. Get into more events. 

I am not ashamed to say that I am creating for two reasons only. The first, and main, is that I enjoy it and find it fun. The other reason is events. I ADORE events and love to make things for them. I love the excitement of an event opening and I love seeing new customers grabbing my stuff, even freebies, because it's a chance to meet someone new with my creations. 
Of course I have a 2015 wish list to go with this one... so in no particular order here are the events I hope to get into at least once this coming year. I'll also be adding to this as I go. 
  • Arcade - Who doesn't?
  • Collaborate - Again, who doesn't?
  • MSO - I did this one in 2014, I want to go again.
  • TDR Fusion - I have always loved this event. 
3. Create lots of fun things.

I really think creating is more fun when it's something that I enjoy making. I don't know where this will lead me but I'm thinking decor items, nails, clothes, appliers... anything that takes my fancy. Cult Noir can be anything and I'm ready to start creating for me and not for a market. 

4. Enjoy SL.

I think over the years I lost sight of this one. I got so involved in my store and in trying to keep up with tools, fashions, style etc that I forgot to just have fun. In 2015 I am stripping that back and just doing whatever I feel is right for me. I plan to go to events, make friends and give myself a reason to come back more often. 

What else should I do in 2015? What are your plans? Share them with us and let's make 2015 the best ever!

Saturday 6 September 2014

New nails in store now

Doodle will be opening officially very soon, but stock is beginning to make it's way into the warehouse. Feel free to drop down whenever you want to browse or hit the subscriber just please be prepared for a bit of a mess. 

Doodle SL is a joint project between Tracy Rubble and Robby Beningbrough. The store will stock a wide variety of avatar goodies from nailart and other bits for slink, to accessories and possibly even shoes and clothes. 

Please keep checking back as we get built. 

Doodle Nailart  - Marble
Marble - Designed by Robby Beningbrough

Doodle Nails - Matte Black 1
Black Matte Collection 1 - By Tracy Rubble
Doodle Nails - Fall 2014 Colours
Fall 2014 Colours - by Tracy Rubble
Freebie - Cracked Nails
Freebie Cracked Nails - Just hit the subscriber!